Friday, March 26, 2010

Vietnam Videos, etc.

As we've said before, we've had an awesome time in Vietnam thus far.  We're in Nha Trang, waiting to get on an overnight bus to Hoi An (and for the rain to stop).  We took the opportunity to load some photos and videos.  Yesterday, we went diving in Nha Trang, Vietnam, and the visibility was fantastic (15 to 20 meters).  We decided to take the divemaster up on his offer to take turned in to a bit of a photo shoot, and we were exhausted from having to constantly smile.  The photos don't capture everything, but they give a pretty good idea of some of the stuff down there.  Nha Trang has some MPA's (not nearly enough) so the diving quality is head over heels better than Phu Quoc.

We've also loaded a couple of videos from our time in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City).  The traffic is both chaotic and predictable...the best way to cross the street is to walk slowly and let the traffic go around you.  It's crazy but it still works.  Here's a video to that effect. 

One of our most enjoyable half days was spent touring the city on a pair of cyclos, which are old fashioned, emissions free, three wheel bicycles where you get to sit on the front.  This video shows us working our way through a traffic circle.  Jenn's driver was 62 years old, and cyclos every day.  He get's up early, rides 12km fast into the city, and then 'rides back slowly'.  He even offered for us to take home an orphaned boy he picked up a few months ago.  Don't worry, it's still just the two of us.

Finally, here's a whole host of photos that we've taken since the end of our time in Cambodia, and the start of Vietnam. Evidently, using internet cafes to load photos is akin to sleeping with hookers.  We had hundreds of viruses on our poor memory cards, which blocked us from loading anything.  They've been fixed...just remember to be careful where you stick your USB. 

P.S.  Some places in Vietnam block Blogger (probably much like China), so if this is in a funny format, it's because we submitted it as an email.  We're off to Hoi An!

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