Thursday, January 21, 2010

Phuket Will Make You Puke It.

Here's a map of the places we have been as of right now. After a scary bus ride and a bout with food poisoning (Tyson is feeling much better, thank you), we are now in Northern Thailand, in city called Chiang Mai. We flew here from Phuket (such a treat!) and were picked up from the airport and shuttled safely and smoothly to the hotel we booked as part of a package tour when we were in Bangkok. Tomorrow, cooking class!

View Jenn and Tyson SE Asia Trip in a larger map

We have posted a few more videos to our Youtube page; sorry they are not current. It takes a long time to upload each one so we have a backlog of insanely interesting material. Believe me, you guys are really missing out right now.

Traveling has an interesting way of taking you up and bringing you down. The swings of emotion and experience are to be expected, but somehow, they always feel new. We are feeling great now, but Tyson definitely got taken down by some bug that made his body eliminate everything inside. To add insult to injury, every time he had to rush to the bathroom, he slammed his head on the 5 foot tall doorway. When you are sick, everything feels fragile and vulnerable. You long for the familiar, the simple. You do not long for a fan-only room with two twin beds and unreasonably low door frames next to a very vibrant and very loud local market selling fruit, veggies, and animal carcass. For the record, we switched rooms and got ourselves some AC and I, somehow, managed to find Gatorade and some fresh french bread for Tys to eat.

We ate pizza for dinner last night. It was the best pizza we have ever eaten (ok, that I have ever eaten - it tasted JUST like my mom's), prepared by an expat from Italy. No more Thai-Chinese for Tyson.

There is great comfort in having a partner in this journey.


  1. Glad Tys is feeling better. Funny - craig just asked me if either of you had gotten sick yet?! it really is inevitable.... but hopefully you'll be like us and manage not to be sick at the same time.

  2. Ugh...I got food poisoning in Phuket, too. Enjoy Chiang Mai! Let me know if you want the contact information of a friend of ours who is living there right now. She does Thai massage and can recommend a great guy named Jay(?) who does it. We love reading your blog!

  3. Yay Jenn & Tys!

    Sounds like you guys are having quite a jorney! I am all caught up on the Blog- wow what a trip!.... Tys, don't feel so bad, John & I both food posioning on Monday night... from a place right down the street, by eating butternut squash ravioli! So you never know when you are going to get it, but I feel for you!

    We miss you guys, but are happy you are having the journey of a lifetime!

    My travel advice - stick in one really nice spot for up to a week, revive, rejuvinate, just hang out and do nothing... :) Your on Vacation!

    Anyways, Love & Miss you both!

    xoxo Court
